Friday, June 28, 2013

June 2013

So, it has not almost been two months since we joined the gym with trainers etc.  Since then we have changed everything about our way of living.  We are both so much more active as well as extremely aware of what we put in our bodies.  This has been an incredible two months.  Have I lost what I wanted to so far?  No.   However, I have still lost (not gained) so I am thankful for that.  I am down about 10lbs and Moussa is down an amazing 15lbs.  He is training sometimes twice a day.  It is outstanding.  He is also eating salads and veggies.  I can not believe I am able to type that out.  I have taken to going down the stairs in my office building three times a day (we are on the 20th floor).  So I am at least going down 60 flights 5 times a week.  I am trying to be mindful of my knees.  Going up is not something I am quite ready for.  I have also been using a FitBit One.  This little device is with me 24 hours a day (minus the shower).  It tracks my steps, calories, and sleep patterns.  It sets a goal of 10,000 steps per day/5 miles per day.  That actually seems doable naturally however, since I sit at a desk all day I find that I don't move around a lot.  Now with my little buddy I am making a very strong effort to GET UP outta my seat and move.  I love it!!  I also use My Fitness Pal which syncs perfectly with my FitBit.  I track all of my food and water intake.  I stick to a pretty strict calorie intake of 1,500 per day.  If I work out hard I may intake a bit more but not normally.  I need to lose the poundage desperately so that my muscles can surface for me to see.

We have realized that the personal trainers at our gym is about $1.00 per minute.  That is just too steep so we decided that having our own equipment at home would be a wiser investment.  We were able to find an incredible treadmill and and home gym on craigslist for a steal.  Now, with tracking my food and working out I am feeling wonderful!  I can see and feel a healthy future for us both.  We just must maintain this once school starts.  That is when it becomes difficult for us.  So far so good!

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 2013

(Beginning of May)
I have definitely been here before.  Yes, another "fresh" start.  I have since had 2 surgeries on my stomach that has set me back to my starting weight.  Now that school is over we both are back at the gym and eating right this week.  I am excited to get back into it.  We both have new trainers and a new wonderful gym.  I am even going to start taking a few classes that my gym as to offer.  So far I am down 3lbs for this week.  I feel great and so far have not dreaded going to the gym yet.  Yes, that usually ends up being my true feelings.  I do hope to keep up this motivation level!  I am back at needing to lose over 75lbs but so far that is not too scary for me.  I look forward to seeing our progress within the next few months!  All we have is time now.  Thank goodness for the break from school!!!!

I must run off now to fill my water bottle up yet again!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012

It has been just over a month since we (hubby and I) have started working out and eating properly.
He has lost 17 lbs and I have lost 11.5 lbs.  I know in my heart of hearts that I must step up my workout schedule and intensity.  I am happy for him and his motivation level.  I am slowly getting there.  I am sure someone has done many hours of research as to why men lose more weight than women, whatever the reason it still frustrates the living crap outta me.  Dang, I mean I am trying over here.  I must admit that his success is pushing me to keep going.  I have been working out with my personal trainer several times a week.  I just need to stick with my 1,200 calorie a day meal plan and get my hiney to the gym on my off days without the trainer.  11 pounds is okay however I can't wait until I actually can see and feel the results in my body and face.  I only see them on the scale and wonder where they came off of.  The one and only area that I am feeling a difference is my upper arms.  I can feel the awakening in my muscle that I was certain had left me years ago.  I can feel it tighten each and every time I put my arms to use.  It is actually pretty great.  Every time I work out I feel the burn and the pain for several days afterwards.  I am not at all complaining about that since I know how dormant my muscles have been. 
I am proud to have busted through my "I can do anything for two weeks then I stop" period.  I log every single morsel of food that I intake on myfitnesspal website.  I am monitoring closely my calorie numbers.  It gives me a black and white reality every single day.  I must accomplish an additional 10 lbs within the next 4 weeks  That is my short term goal to lose between 2 to 3 lbs per week.  My ultimate goal from start to happy is to lose 76.8 lbs. total.  I want to lose that by December 31, 2012.  I want to start 2013 at my very healthiest body possible.  I will check in soon.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012

It has been a little while since I have logged on to show my progress as well as my food log.  I have however been logging onto my new favorite website 
on this website I am able to log all my food and water intake as well as any exercise that I have done for the day.  It contains a wide variety of foods/restaurants that I often find using in my daily schedule.  I also have it on my phone so that I can not use the excuse of not logging everything that I consume.  I am still doing my best to remain around 1200 calories per day.  Naturally, if I burn more due to exercise I am awarded with more calories I can have for the day.  It has also kept me drinking a huge amount of water since you log that part too.
As of yesterday, June 26, 2012 I started to replace my regular cup of coffee (w/splenda and creamer) with a cup of hot green tea and one packet of splenda.  No, it so far does not make me near as happy due to the non creaming taste however, it is because of the creamer itself that I have decided to give it a whirl.  I am pretty sure if I can find an extremely low calorie creamer substitute then I will go back to enjoying at least one cup of coffee per day. 
I have now had a total of 4 PT sessions.  They are going pretty well.  I believe it is the cardio before and after my session that I dread the most.  Since my husband is running circles around my progress I am trying to work a little harder at this.  I keep hoping for the day that my heart catches up with my goals.  I definitely look forward to driving to the gym and actually have a feeling of looking forward to my work-out.  Not quite there yet. 
To date:  I have lost maybe about 5 lbs is all.  I must step it up!!!  Once I can see real progress I am sure my motivation will push me to succeed.  I raise my cup of hot tea as a salute to the very near future.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012

My thigh muscles are feeling quite a bit better as long as I keep stretching them.  My Plantar Faciitis has really flared up in my right foot.  Today is my 2nd PT session so I am doing everything I can to keep it from swelling.  I am also hoping we only do arms and abs today at the gym. According to my home scale (which is probably not as accurate as the gym scale) says that I have lost 2lbs. I am taking that with a grain of salt for now.  I will keep posting my weight on here whether it goes up or down.

Breakfast - coffee w/creamer and 1 spenda, Dannon Pure blueberry yogurt, raw (no salt) peanuts.
Snack - plum
Lunch - Total Lean Shake (Strawberries and Cream) - 180 calories

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012 

My legs have continued to kill me however I can feel them slightly loosening up.  I plan on skipping the gym tonight just to recover so I can be at my best for my PT appt. on Tuesday.  Other than my morning cup of coffee I drank water the rest of the day.

Breakfast - Coffee w/cream & splenda, salt free peanuts, plum & a nectarine
Lunch - Tiger's Milk Protein Bar
Snack - Salt free peanuts, veggie chips
Dinner - Tikka Chicken on a bed of field greens with very little ranch, 1 1/2 pieces of garlic nan

June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012

I can barely go downstairs at all and sitting down takes me almost a full minute.  My thighs are beyond the normal "workout sore".  I honestly did not know what to do to make the pain at least decrease.  Once I was up and walking I did okay.  If I finally did sit down then my muscles tighten back up.  We went ahead and went back to the gym for a normal workout.  I only did 20 minutes/1 mile on the treadmill as well as some ab and arm machines.  I hurt entirely to bad to do any more with my legs.

We opted to make salmon with a side of rice noodles for dinner with watermelon for dessert at 5:30p.m.  I am so proud of us.  I slept quite well.