Thursday, April 14, 2011

1st day on alli

April 12, 2011
As I stated before I have been watching my fat gram and calorie intake for the last 3 days so getting into this program was not "messy". I read way too many warnings about it not to. If someone was watching me take the first pill they would have laughed quite hard. I had this envision that the moment I took it I would be running for the commode. I held that pill between my fingers poised in my mouth for probably a full 5 minutes before I let go. Low and behold nothing happened. I logged my food on the alli website for every morsel that passed my lips. So far so good. I have also increased my water intake up to the required 64 oz (8 glasses w/8 oz each). So I do run for the ladies room only so that I can dispose of all the water.
You see I know that the treatment effects are suppose to make the extra fat that you ingest come out of you in a very oily orange gross way. No thank you. I will do anything I can to not make that happen.
The website has me set to weight in on April 18th. Knowing I have a goal of 70lbs to lose should keep me in check right.


Okay so I completed the entire Standard Process Program with ehhh okay results. I was however proud of myself for having completed the entire program with no major slip ups. True to form as soon as the program ended so did my will power. I ended up packing the pounds back on due to my complete lack of trying. I even sold my treadmill so that the reminder was no longer standing in my ever growing face.

I have now hit my highest weight ever! I can't handle the idea of that. Some of the amazing things that happened to me while on the Standard Process Program such as the lack of heartburn and headaches are now back. My sleeping patterns have now also gone back to sparatic. So here I sit with heartburn, a dull headache as well as body aches reminding me that I need to chose a better lifestyle. I want to be healthy for me and for the future children I would love to have. Speaking of which I also would love to be in a healthy body when I do get pregnant so that I can bounce back easier and have a smoother pregnancy.

Soooo.....after wasting entirely too many days at work researching for an answer I found one. One that kept telling me it helped people overweight with zero will-power act as a babysitter. Yes, that is exactly what I need. Sad I know.

I ordered my first bottle of alli. I am sure you have at least heard about it.
Here is the simplified form of it. If I go over 15grams of fat per meal I more than likely will have an accident in my pants. Who in the heck wants that to happen? Not me. So I have done what was recommended and starting eating correctly and logging my food intake 3 days prior to popping the pill.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 21 - Last Day of my 21 Day Program

January 23rd, 2011

Today is my LAST DAY on the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program. I feel like the victor in my own race. I have ran similar life style races before. Even having been the only contestant I have never crossed the finish line. I weighted and measured myself today for the first time in a while. I am not too terribly happy with the scale numbers telling me I have only lost 8lbs total but the measurements are telling me that I have lost almost 4 inches around my waist. I have lost up to 2" in additional areas such as my biceps, thighs and even my neck. Even with just a little bit more weight-loss and the new measurements it has encouraged me to keep up the pace. So much so that I bought a treadmill yesterday. I do have a gym membership that I still plan on using but with this new piece of equipment I will not be able to use the excuse not to get in between 30 to 60 minutes of cardio a day. My chiropractor was kind enough to layout an exercise plan that will work best for me and my goals. I suppose I did not realize how much I need to incorporate lifting into my workout plan. I was under the impression that cardio with a few additional exercises would get the fat to go away. I figured once I lost the weight then I would start to lift to build up my muscles. Guess what, I was wrong. I am excited to start in on this new program as well as the new workout plan. I pick up my Post Purification Program from my Chiropractors today. I also just read the new guidelines again. Yea, I can do this!

Day 20

January 22nd, 2011

As I was saying yesterday weekends become difficult for me to intake enough calories and required water. I focused on making sure I did both today. I woke to my shake and supplements then within a small bit of time had some veggies, shortly afterwards we went out to lunch where I had another house salad with nothing but oil and vinegar. We ended up running errands half the day so all I seemed to take in for the next few hours was water. Having said that I did come home and make myself some cod and another spinach salad. For a shake I decided to mix it up. I wanted to try a veggie shake instead. I mean come on you can only have so many berry shakes before you need to "shake" things up more. I put in whole tomatoes, freshly chopped garlic, freshly chopped basil, freshly chopped onion,freshly chopped parsley, two pinches of sea salt, 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a touch of vinegar & my SP Cleanse. I was in heaven. It tasted like a spicy tomato soup. Until I realized that my eyes where watering due to having put way too many onions and garlic in it. Next time I will scale back. All in all it was a good experiment. I just need to perfect it.
Later in the evening we took some family to Red Lobster where I realized was my kinda place. I was able to order fresh cod that had been baked without any seasonings, steamed broccoli and steamed asparagus paired with a small house salad. I just love being able to eat a full meal with others without feeling like I am missing out on the whole experience of eating out enjoyed with the normal table talk.
Tomorrow is my last day on the 21 Day cleanse! I am proud of myself! Next week I begin the Post Purification Program.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 19

January 21st, 2011

Today was a true testament to my will-power. My office had its weekly office lunch. I ordered them New York Style pizza from a local pub here that usually has me counting down the minutes until it arrives. Well these gorgeous 24" pies arrived just to stare me in the face. I quickly grabbed my salad with my chicken breasts and hid in my office for the next few hours. I think the one part of the pizza that I missed the most is the part that starts at the crust and ends in the middle. Yes, all of it!! I am having a weak moment on the food desires but still have not faltered. In fact as I type this I am eating my cute little baby carrots. I have given names to almost all of my veggies in order to make them even more desirable.
You might find this part to be true as well. I have found that it is very easy to stay on my program during the week since I work in an office all day. I can sit here and partake in my little baggies of treats (veggies) as well as remember to take my supplements and 2nd shake. However on the weekends I find I must stop myself from going all day without eating or drinking any water. I become so busy with my weekend tasks that I tend to forget to do either. This is my last weekend of the 21 day program. I will do great! I have no other choice. I also better get my hiney back to the gym. Only two more days to go.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 18

January 20th, 2011

Yet another day of birthday cake/pie in my office for a co-worker. Although sweets are not my thing normally, it looks amazing now. I sit in the mini party with my salad just so that I can be eating along with them. I try and avoid feeling hungry this way.

On a positive note, I read over the Post Purification Program guidelines yesterday. All the rules sounded positive. I am excited to reintroduce the different food groups one at a time. I am interested to see if I have any food intolerance to anything specific. I plan on keeping up with my journal as I fight my way through an additional 30 days. In all honesty though my battle with food with be a lifetime. I know that I will not detour right back to my horrible way of eating however, it will be a struggle not to indulge in my past favorites. I need to find a happy medium where I can treat myself with a not so good for me meal every once in a while as a reward. However, is it really a reward when I know I will feel bad immediately afterwords? Something for me to ponder.

So today is Day 18 which means that I have kept up with my plan problem about 17 more days that I expected to! Mini victory if you ask me.
So far today I have had my normal shake, supplements, spinach salad, carrots and baked chicken strips. Yep, you will find you kind of get into a groove for a while were not much changes diet wise. I am there now.
I will post my salmon recipe soon for those of you whom really have no idea how to cook salmon such as myself about 2 weeks ago.
Till the morrow....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17

January 19th, 2011

Today I have been craving hot coffee again. I do hope that is something I get to reintroduce fair early into my Post-Purification Program. I only usually have a cup or two anyhow but sitting down at my desk every morning without my hot coffee is still hard to get over.

It is now 12:30p.m. and I have had my morning shake, 1st set of supplements (5 Green Foods and 3 Gastro-Fibers), a baggie of baby carrots, bowl of raw spinach with a few cherry tomatoes toss in the very present Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Vinegar. I plan on having a bowl of lentil soup soon also. I have at this point taken in about 48oz of water. Today so far is not so exciting nor different.

For dinner tonight I made myself salmon and asparagus.
Sad to say but I have not made it to the gym in two days. I had such a good streak of 5 in a row....nuts. I do hope to get back to it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16

January 18th, 2011

Having my shakes have become part of my regular routine. I don't even give it a second thought. Make sure that you are only using a half of a banana for the full benefits of the program. I do realize that quite a few people put in a whole one each time however if you put half per shake you will be doing much better.

Also a point I made in my first post make sure you always have food on hand as well as plenty of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Yes, I always capitalize that part since I feel it deserves the respect. You will find that Extra Virgin Olive Oil can and will be used in almost everything. Be prepared. If you start to run low on a certain item replenish before you need it. Less chance that you will ruin all the hard work you have established for yourself.

Another added benefit that I have come to find out about myself is how clear my skin is all over. As well as how hydrated it is. I live in a very dry climate anyhow so dry skin is common for most people. I am not applying lotion to my hands and arms near as much as well as very little lip balm has been needed. I have certainly stepped up my game with the H2O content.

Today I am feasting on organic carrots. They actually taste very sweet to me today. Maybe it is my lack of sugar in my life now or else my taste buds have sharpened. Either way they taste like a desert. I can't believe I am saying that. O'well I will take it!

My work day ended up so insane that I did not have time to intake my proper nutrition and I could feel it. I had only time for my morning shake, supplements, a few baggies of veggies and a 1/2 a spinach salad tossed in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar. Once I got home I replenished myself with adequate water however it was not until I was a Chili's later that I felt so much better.
REMEMBER YOU MUST STILL EAT! I felt horrible until I did. I am not going to do that again.

A group of us went to Chili's tonight. Going out to eat while on this program has been something that I have not looked forward to. I usually end up with a garden salad with nothing but my Vinegar and Oil, however this time I looked at the menu out of pure curiosity and found that they had Grilled Salmon that I asked to have no spices or herb put on and it came with a healthy sized portion of steamed broccoli and carrots again with no seasoning. I was the happiest girl in the place. This was the first time I was able to sit down and enjoy a real meal with others in public. I know it sounds like I am a closet eater but really watching them eat whatever they want as I "salad-it-up" every time leaves me dishearten. This time I was enjoying every morsel right along side them. Yea Chili's!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lemon Rosemary Chicken

Lemon Rosemary Chicken

Organic free range chicken strips
Organic fresh Rosemary
2 or 3 fresh garlic cloves
100% NOT from concentrate lemon juice
Fresh lemon
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pure Ground Pepper
Olive Oil Pam
Cookie sheet
Big bowl

-dice rosemary & garlic cloves
-toss chicken into Extra Virgin Olive Oil and lemon juice in your big bowl to soak for a bit as you cut up the Rosemary and garlic
-put half of your garlic and rosemary in the mixture with the chicken
-spray your cookie sheet with the Olive Oil Pam
-preheat oven to 350 degrees
-lay chicken out on the cookie sheet
-spoon mixture that is still in the bowl over the chicken
-sprinkle the other half of the garlic and rosemary over the chicken
-sprinkle pepper over all chicken
-put in the oven at 350 until the chicken is white on the inside
-if you have any pink, keep cooking.


Outstanding Asparagus

Organic 100% NOT from concentrate lemon juice
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sauce Pan
Cookie Sheet
Medium size bowl

-cut the asparagus into 1 inch pieces throwing out the very end piece
-boil in water for 2 minutes then drain
-toss the asparagus in a medium size bowl with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Lemon juice (allow to soak for about 5 mins)
-line a cookie sheet with foil
-spoon out asparagus from soak and place in a single layer on the foil
-cut up fresh lemon and lay on top of the asparagus
-fold the foil around the asparagus in a lightly sealed foil pocket
-bake at 350 degrees for about 7 mins. It will be ready once you hear it sizzling.
-carefully unwrap the foil pocket allow to cool a few minutes and enjoy!!!

Day 15

January 17th, 2011

Ahhhh the start of my work week and my last week of the 21 Day Program. I am feeling simply amazing. This morning I was missing coffee so I made hot water with lemon which not the same thing yet subsided my craving. I am pleased to announce that I have been out to eat several times through-out these last 2 weeks and have been able to resist all and every temptation. I usually eat before or after we go out or if not I will order a house salad with zero on it. Most restaurants will have Oil and Vinegar if you ask them for your dressing.

Mondays are my longest day of the week. I have work then my Mary Kay meeting till 8:00p.m. I got home at 8:30 and was at the gym by 9:15p.m. I am so proud to say that I have made it to the dreaded gym 5 days in a row. That is a record for me. However, the changes in my body and mind have been the motivation. Also, I know I have too much to do on Tuesday therefore, I am 90% sure I will miss the gym.

On to tomorrow folks!

Day 14

January 16th, 2011

I woke up feeling wonderful. One of the added bonuses to this program is how well you sleep. I have a bad case of Restless Leg Syndrome or Jimmy Legs for you Seinfeld fans. So I am up a lot every night anyhow. It feels great to sleep the whole night through.

Biggest thing for me today was that the bloated and heaviness I was feeling last week is gone. I am back to feeling light and thinner. Thank goodness. I just know I am going to rock this week!

I only have 7 more days to go for at least the 21 day program! Big feat for me to have made it this far, Believe me!!!

I am most proud that I have made it to the gym for 4 straight days. That is a hurdle just in itself.

Day 13

January 15th, 2011

Today, I got up and went to the gym again. I feel great by doing that.
I figure by taking out the egg whites, antibiotics as well as incorporating working out this next week should be a break-through.

I made my salmon for dinner. Extraordinary if I do say so myself. I put lemon juice, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and minced garlic on it. For the first time my husband was actually jealous of my dinner vs. his.

I also ordered my post cleanse today. I know that I need to keep up this momentum without slipping right back into my old habits. I shall start that immediately after Day 21.

Here's to next week.

Day 12

January 14th, 2011

Now with chicken in my life I feel happy and satisfied. The only food that I tend to miss right now is cheese. When I see it or smell it I tear up a little.

I do need to tell you that this week I have not weighted in due to the fact that I feel heavier and bloated. I feel that if I get on the scale and it has not changed for the better then I will be too discouraged to continue. I am frustrated since I have done so well so far. The one item I think might be harming me are the egg whites.

I plan on calling my guru (my chiropractor) to find out what the heck is going on. I figured I would be losing even more weight this week.

Grrrrrr....I better make that call now or else I will drive myself straight to a fast food restaurant.

Okay, after talking with her we come up with the idea that since this program was designed to get everyone off of everything to track their in-tolerances maybe I have a small food allergy to eggs. Also, since I had been on an antibiotics she felt that had contributed to my heaviness. I was not countering them with any probiotics (which I did not even know existed). Since I am feeling better anyhow I am going to give up all egg whites and my antibiotics and see what transpires.

Almost forgot, I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in...well let's not talk about it and went again today. I did 30 mins of Cardio on the elliptical and about 20 mins of sit-ups (I love sit-ups) I just know I have amazing abs underneath my flab.

Day 11

January 13th, 2011

BEST DAY YET!!!! Last night I pre-made (but refrained from tasting) some baked Lemon Rosemary Chicken. I bought organic rosemary that I personally chopped and used 100% Not from Concentrate Lemon juice to soak the chicken in. I baked enough that should last me for several days.

I just had my chicken and let me tell you today is definitely the Holy Grail so far!
Wow it is amazing how good it tastes after having good 11 days without anything even close to meat.

The rest of this program should be a breeze from here on out.

If there is anyone reading this that is only at the beginning of the program I just want to say push yourself through until Day 11. It will be worth the hard work to get this far once you can have chicken. I also just bought some Alaskan Salmon. I plan on having that this weekend.

Day 11, I just want to say Thank you!

Day 10

January 12th, 2011

Ahhh Day 10 here you are...sorry but you pale in comparison to Day 11. In fact you are kinda in my way can you hurry up and move so that I can have some much desired chicken breasts. The odd part of today is that I feel bloated and heavier. I do hope that subsides since I have still not taken in a single morsel that is not good for me.


Day 9

January 11th, 2011

Not much more to report today as it has gone exactly as yesterday. I have discovered that frozen organic blackberries are not the way to go in my shakes. Even with half of a banana the berries are so tart that the SP Cleanse shake mix is very prominent. I have tried to not add too many fruits at once to each shake due to the fruit to veggie ratio. However, this shall be the last day of blackberries. Strawberries, cherries or Mangos seem to be my favorites. I am only 2 days away from introducing Range-Free chicken and some fish such as Salmon or Cod. I am so excited. That will be a big day for me.

Day 8

January 10th, 2011

I have really started to enjoy my baby spinach tossed in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar. I have quite a bit of that every day as well as my normal menu of raw veggies and hot lentil soup. My shakes are simple to make and easy to drink now due to the fact that I am not putting in the oil in the shake since I am in-taking that with my salads. I also decided after talking to my chiropractor/sister-in-law to try egg whites scrambled in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Wow they are simply amazing. I had a few tonite for dinner. I almost cried they were so good.
If you haven't already you need to purchase Celtic Sea Salt to put on certain things such as the lentil soup if you need just a little bit more flavor. It is heavenly. I am a sodium junk by nature. I will pass on sweets any day. You put a bag of chips in-front of me and watch out. This program has of course forbade me any sodium however adding just a little of the Celtic Sea Salt to my soup has made me a very happy girl. Just don't go overboard!!

Day 7

January 9th, 2011

I still feel wonderful! I feel lighter and thinner. My headaches are gone as well as most of my mucus. I have found an interesting fact though I get hiccups often since starting this program. Not sure if it is due to all the veggies or just a odd occurrence. My clothes are fitting just a bit loser and my head feels very clear. Even with people eating everything that is bad in the world i.e. cheeseburgers etc. around me I have not given in once. I am so proud that I have made it 7 days.

I am looking forward to next week.

Day 6

January 8th, 2011

Today is a wonderful day. I am feeling quite a bit better after having slept for the last several days. I also just weighed myself. I have lost 6lbs in 6 days!!!! I feel so good about that. Granted, yes I was sick and not taking in too much but I am still very happy because believe me being that sick I wanted nothing more than some comfort food. 6 days without cheating is a big deal to me since again my will-power with food is sad. I am back to keeping my supplements and shakes in my system as well as making the homemade lentil soup that is on the Standard Process guideline. It has felt wonderful to finally eat something hot. I have realized that all the shakes and raw veggies as great as they may be I missed hot food. This soup was a nice addition. I also found a remarkable way to make Asparagus. I shall add a page of recipes and pictures soon.

Overall with the weight-loss and feeling much better it is an outstanding day. The best one yet.

Day 5

January 7, 2011

Still super sick but feeling a little more out of the woods. I do plan on sleeping most of the day since that seems to be the only relief I am getting. Not much new to report that is different from yesterday. I have keep up on everything and have not cheated at all. I plan on kicking this so that next week I will be fancy-free of the ickies and happily on my way to enjoying my time on the program.

Day 4

January 6th, 2011

I am producing so much mucus I can not keep up. I stayed home again today from my office due to a fever and well frankly being a big bag of gross. Although too much info, I can not stop blowing my nose. I feel like I am a faucet of muci. Since I am producing so much that Mucinex is not even helping I have called my doctor or a prescription. I do hope this helps.

By 5p.m. I have now started (sorry to say)...throwing up because of the mucus. I feel absolutely nasty. My fever tends to break every few hours giving me some relief then starts back up again. I still am not faulting from my program. The only disappointment for me besides being this ill is the fact that after I take my supplements or drink my shake it does not stay with me very long. I do hope this goes away soon. I can for sure tell that there is Cayenne Pepper in the Cleanse pills. Ewww. However, I shall push on.

Day 3

January 5th, 2011

Wow! Something has definitely set in to my system. I stayed home from work today due to being overly exhausted and I do not feel well what-so-ever. I plan on getting more sleep and seeing if I can kick this cold or whatever I have.
I have taken my supplements for the am as well as my shake. Oddly enough I do not have much of an appetite today. I presume due to how I feel. This more than likely will be a short reported day. I do hope to feel much better tomorrow.

Day 2

January 4th, 2011.

Today started out great. I started my day with my supplements and my shake. After realizing I needed to add just a bit more to my shake it is now much more drinkable. I added a half of a banana and some frozen blueberries to it. I then made another one for the afternoon. I put it in my newly purchased thermos to take to my office for later. Through out the day I have been snacking on raw veggies such as fresh organic green beans & cucumbers. For lunch I had a more raw veggies and have consumed at least 48 oz of water. Slight headache by lunch time but nothing too bad. I had my 2nd shake about 2p.m. By 4p.m. I have decided I really really do not feel well. I am going home a bit early. Hopefully I am just tired.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 1 of the New Me!

Today is Monday, January 5th, 2011.

I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time. I needed to find a window of time for my 21 days that would not involve a holiday, family in town or any other reason for me to cheat. You see the issue with me is that my will-power is pretty darn weak when it comes to food. I have had my sights set on today and the next few weeks to really get my act together. Is it a coincidence that it takes 21 days to change a habit and this program is 21 days? For my own goals I shall say NO.

The first day of my Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program has been easy since I had already pre-purchased all of my food yesterday. I am beyond prepared. Last night I pre-cut all my raw veggies for the week. Always having food on hand is truly one of the greatest assets to making this program work for you. I had also taken two days prior to the beginning to cut out coffee. This blog shall outline my journey into a much healthier and happier me. I do welcome questions and even comments. I will also post recipes that I end up finding as well as a few photos of the dishes I make.

The reason for my blog is that before I began this program I read many other people's blogs. I found that they were not doing it "by the book". I knew I must in order to succeed. Biggest mistake I have found from my findings were that quite a few people were introducing chicken/fish way before the 11th day. I plan on using the tools and the guidelines that were set for me in the program.
I studied the guideline way before today as well as I have started a 3 ring binder to keep it with me at all times. I do recommend you follow their daily log. I will be putting mine on here. Good Luck to all and thank you for following me while I go down this amazing path. Go to this link for the actual guidelines.